Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot or thrombus in a deep vein. They are most common in the leg. But they may develop any part of the body. Part of the clot, called an embolus, can break off and travel to the lungs (PE). This can cut off the flow of blood to all or part of the lung. PE is an emergency and may cause death.
Most people with DVT develop symptoms of pain, swelling, and redness . Sometime DVT is symptomless. The two most common complications of a blood clot are chronic venous insufficiency and post-thrombotic syndrome(PTS).
Risk Fctors
- obesity
- immobility
- surgery
- birth control pills
- a family history of blood clots
- varicose veins and cancer
Many people don’t need any specific treatment for varicose veins other than self-care measures. However, without treatment, varicose veins do tend to get worse with time. The aim of treatment is to ease symptoms, improve appearance and prevent complications such as leg ulcers.Varicose veins can usually be successfully treated, but new varicose veins are still likely to develop over time.These days there are several non-invasive or minimally-invasive treatment options for varicose veins. These can be done as outpatient or day care procedures and don’t have a long recovery time, so are often recommended instead of surgery.Compression stockings, taking regular exercise and elevating the affected area when resting are sole/ancillary recommended measures advised to the patients in the beginning.
- Blood thinners (anticoagulant medicines)
- Elastic or compression stockings, if required
- Walking. Getting up and moving as soon as possible after diagnosis.
- Clot busters (fibrinolytics or thrombolytics)
- Inferior vena cava filter
- Mechanical Clot suction